Kartini's Struggle

Kamis, 13 September 2012

The Important of Kartini’s Struggle

            As we know R.A. Kartini is our national heroine for woman emancipation. She has a big role for women to get freedom, autonomy and legal equality who at that time had a very low social status.
          As a young girl, she had made a friendship with Dutch friend. She always contacted them by writing letter. After her died, these letters were collected and publish as a book entitled Out of Dark Comes Light. Besides writing letter she was fond of reading many kinds of books to get a lot of information especially about European Feminist Thinking.

          After her marriage with regent of Rembang (Raden Adipati Joyodiningrat), she establishes a school for women in her resident. She taught many things, such as reading, writing, embroidery lessons, and other women skills to prepare them for their marriage. She tried to change the way of thinking of the native women in java. According to Kartini, these women would give a good education for their children if they had a good basic of education and had a lot of knowledge.  
          For her struggle, Kartini was not only a feminist who elevated the status of women in Indonesia, but also nationalist figure that had new ideas so that the women obtained their independence. As the result, now, the women have equal right to enroll in daily life.

Created by: Muhammad Iqbal (XI IPA 2 / 18)
Academic Year: 2012 / 2013

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