Why Is Helmet Important

Jumat, 21 September 2012

Why Is Helmet Important for the Rider?

                Wearing helmet is very important for every motorcycle rider. It has many useful for them. Why is helmet important for the rider?

          There is traffic regulation which states that every rider has to wear helmet. Police will fine them if they if they don’t obey it. The fine reaches hundred thousand rupiahs. In fact, we often see the rider don’t wear helmet especially teenagers. They don’t obey the traffic regulation. So that, policeman sometimes holds unannounced examination. Its aim is making them discipline in obeying the traffic regulation.

The Funny Experiences

Rabu, 19 September 2012

There are some Recount Text from My Friends


Why Is Learning Javenese Important

Why Is Learning Javanese Important

Language is the mean of communication. Each region in Indonesia has their own languages. Most people in Indonesia hear about Javanese, Bataks, Sundanese, and Indonesian language. However Javanese include the important language in Indonesian especially in Central Java, Yogyakarta, and East Java.
          Javanese is a soft and polite language. Most of old people always use Javanese.
          There are many styles in Javanese to use such as Ngoko and Krama. Ngoko is used by people in their age or their level. Krama is used by young people to communicate with older people or to people which higher level.

Smoking Cigarette Is Risk

Selasa, 18 September 2012


There are many people smoking cigarette every day. They think that it is the kind of activity to kill the time. In fact, it is a sort of bad habit. There is a risk from this activity especially, for the health.
At first, they enjoy smoking, but they don’t aware that they bet their lung for it. By smoking they inhale the smoke. In a long time it will cause their lungs in trouble. Besides, it can cause lung cancer

Kartini's Struggle

Kamis, 13 September 2012

The Important of Kartini’s Struggle

            As we know R.A. Kartini is our national heroine for woman emancipation. She has a big role for women to get freedom, autonomy and legal equality who at that time had a very low social status.
          As a young girl, she had made a friendship with Dutch friend. She always contacted them by writing letter. After her died, these letters were collected and publish as a book entitled Out of Dark Comes Light. Besides writing letter she was fond of reading many kinds of books to get a lot of information especially about European Feminist Thinking.

My Experiences


            Nalika aku tasih SMP kelas wolu, aku lan kanca – kanca dolanan utawa playon nang mushola. Kira – kira jam papatan, sakdurunge sholat Ashar aku lan kanca – kanca dolanan banyu nang mushola nduwur. Mbiyen, mushola dhuwur dereng rampung dibangun. Dadi musholane reget lan nek udan lunyu banget.
          Dina kuwe dina Setu, dadi klambine mboten dianggo malih amarga sesuk dina Minggu. Sakdurunge aku nang mushola, aku lan kanca – kanca tuku umbe sprit lan pepsi nang koperasi. Kira – kira umbene arep entek, aku ndeleng cah kelas pitu lagi mlaku meng aku. Aku nduwe ide yen aku arep mutahake sprit  nang jogan. Aku lunga sing adoh lan ngundang cah kelas pitu mau.

Tembang Macapat

Rabu, 12 September 2012

Contoh Tembang Macapat

Poma kaki padha dipun eling
Ing pitutur ingong
Sira uga satriya arane
Kudu anteng jatmika ing budi
Ruruh sarta wasis
Samubarang tanduk

Nulada laku utama
Tumraping wong tanah Jawi
Wong Agung ing Ngeksianda
Panembahan Senapati
Kepati amarsudi
Sudaning hawa lan nenpsu
Pinesu tapa brata
Tanapi ing siyang ratri
Amemangun karyenak tyas ing sasama

My Experiences


          My school held student exchange program. The program held in Magelang and Cilacap district. The participants were all of the student in grade VIII Junior High School 3 Kebumen. I was placed in Magelang. My friends and I went to Magelang on Sunday at 1.00 pm by car.
 First, we went to Junior High School 2 Magelang. I was surprised with the school because the school was smaller than my school. But, as I knew that mosque is bigger than my school’s mosque in Kebumen. After that, we walking around the school yard and observed to adapt with new environment.

Controversial Pictures

Selasa, 11 September 2012

Tips Kesehatan

Sikap Optimis dapat Meningkatkan Kesehatan

Banyaknya tekanan hidup yang harus dialami seseorang membuat kebanyakan orang mengalami frustasi. Beberapa orang karena menghadapi beban pekerjaan yang berat harus mengalami stres pekerjaan. Problem lainnya seperti bencana alam dan kematian orang dekat juga bisa membuat depresi dan frustasi. Hanya sedikit orang yang sanggup menghindari tekanan hidup sehari-hari yang dapat membuat orang frustrasi dan berpandangan pesimistis. Namun, meski menghadapi kesukaran dan tekanan hidup, berpikir secara optimis bermanfaat khususnya untuk kesehatan. Apa saja manfaatnya? Serta bagaimana cara memupuk sikap optimistis?

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